Online Personal Training

Personal training is usually associated with the trainers in a gym, but there is a new kid in town. Online personal training! Most people’s reaction to this is “how do you personal train someone online?” By providing people with a detailed workout and nutrition plan, along with the support and motivation required I can help most people reach their goals. You don’t need me to count your reps; you need me to set a plan, coach you through it and for you to stick to it. I say ‘most’ because online personal training is not for everyone. I am going to discuss the pros and cons of online personal training so that you can make your own mind up.

online personal training


Cost -Personal training can be pricey for some. Whilst it’s difficult to put a price on your health, it is still out of reach for some individuals. Online personal training allows those people access to a wide array of professionals, at a fraction of the price. If you have an understanding of training you don’t want to pay someone to count your reps for you. The higher the price doesn’t mean the better the service unfortunately. Go with a trainer you can trust and can resonate with, not one who has the flashiest abs.

Location – As technology is advancing a rapid rate of knots there is no restrictions to location when training online. With apps and online login systems available, you can access all the information anywhere in the world

online personal training


Time – By training in your own time, when it fits your schedule and whatever time of day allows anyone to get involved. If you want to train at 4am then go for it, because I do not want to be out of bed at that hour. You are not relying on matching schedules and people taking holidays.

Coaching – As online personal training is a competitive industry the service you receive is always improving. It is so much more than just giving someone a workout and sending them on their way. It is about coaching, teaching and supporting a client towards their goals whilst making it sustainable. The amount of content you receive is always increasing and improving by providing you the tools you need to succeed. With apps, membership sites and videos you will be fully supported and guided towards the target.


online personal training


Will power – I can provide you with the greatest workouts and nutritional plan in the world, but it requires some level of will power to actually do them. If you struggle with motivation and find it difficult to get yourself going, then maybe online personal training isn’t for you. Unfortunately I am not allowed to tie strings on your arms and legs Pinocchio style to force you to do a workout (I have checked). Some people prefer to have someone physically there motivating them, others are highly self-motivated. It’s personal preference.

Knowledge – As you will be working alone or with a friend if you choose, it would be beneficial if you have a basic understanding of training. If you are unsure of how the equipment is adjusted and have an understanding of a few basic exercises, I would recommend getting a little practice. I would not recommend online personal training for complete beginners. Get in the gym and ask someone to show you the basics. You don’t need to be an expert, but just to have an understanding would be beneficial.

online personal training


Form – When training it’s impossible for me to correct your form. I’m not sure bringing your laptop into the gym and Skyping would be allowed, you may get some funny looks. Even though all exercises that I provide contain videos, I cannot ensure you are doing the same. A personal trainer can give you instant feedback but with online training this can be difficult. With that in mind it would be beneficial if you had a basic knowledge and experience with training alone.

Who to choose? – There are thousands of online personal trainers now. All with the latest booty growing, bicep bulging, amazing abs guaranteed program. As there is no regulation of these trainers, you can’t even be sure if half of them are qualified. It’s hard to weed out the Instagram cowboys selling detox teas and cleanses. Everyone is fooled by a few ab selfies and a self-proclaimed guru status. Go with someone you can resonate with and shares similar values as yourself. Also it would probably help if they have a proven track record.


online personal training

Hopefully this has given you enough to make your mind up about online personal training or even show you that it does exist. If you still in any doubt that you can get results with it then head over to and check out my success stories. If you are interested in training online then don’t hesitate to get in touch by filing in the form below.

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